Posted by: admin Post Date: 10 May, 2024

1.My Son Sancturary & Marble Mountain


  • My Son Holyland is away Da Nang about 70kms driving with taking at least 3 hours for visiting the whole complex of temples and old buiding.
  • This is World Heritage for its famous site and rituals and mysterious architecture from Hinduism.
  • Locatation on the beautiful mountain with stream and forest with biosystem.
  • When you visit My Son Holyland,you also have a chance to see the Champa Show from the Cham peoples.
  • Marble moutain away Da Nang city for 10 kms with complex of 5 elements mountains(Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Land) where there are many old pagodas, beautiful natural caves.
  • Experience driver with professional English speaking for each miles on the roads for any assistants.


1.Tra Kieu:

Away to MySon and away My Son for 10kms, taking you for one hour of visiting.

Formerly called Simhapura (Lion Citadel), Tra Kieu was the first capital of Champa from the 4th century to the 8th century. Today nothing remains of the ancient city except the ramparts. Some of the finest carvings in Danang’s Cham Museum were found here. The 19th-century Tra Kieu Church (Dia So Tra Kieu) is home to a museum (Van Hoa Cham) of Cham artefacts. According to local belief, this church was the site of a miracle in 1885.

Catholic villagers, under attack by anti-French forces, saw a vision of a lady in white, believed to be Mary, whom they credit with protecting them from intense shelling. Atop nearby Buu Chau Hill is the modern Mountain Church (Nha Tho Nui), built in 1970 to replace an earlier structure destroyed by an American bomb. The church is about 200m from the morning market (Cho Tra Kieu).

Tra Kieu is 6.5km from Highway 1 and 19.5km from My Son. Some day trips to My Son from Hoi An include a stop-off at Tra Kieu.

2.My Son Holy Land :

Taking you for 3 hours of visiting.

My Son Hindu Sanctuary, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a great sample of the ancient Champa civilization located in the southern part of Vietnam. It was an independent state from around the 2nd to the 17th century, at which time it was occupied by Vietnam. The impressive Hindu-themed ruins feature many beautiful stone sculptures, temples and towers in tropical jungle surroundings.

My Son was also a political centre and a royal burial ground and the complex consists of more than 70 structures devoted to Hindu gods and goddesses and the most noticeable one, Shiva, was considered the protector of the Champa’s kings. Their skilful use of red bricks and sandstone is remarkable. Like many historic sites around the world, My Son was destroyed by time and wars and after lying neglected for a long time it was rediscovered and renovated by the French in 1898. Sadly the most recent war did great damage to the complex as the Americans bombed this area knowing that the Viet Cong used it as a hiding place, mistakenly thinking that the enemy would not touch a holy site. However, the majority of the central complex managed to survive the bombs and parts of the ruins have now been rebuilt. Overall, this Hindu sanctuary reminds visitors of other similar sites in Southeast Asia including the great Angkor Wat in Cambodia. A must-visit for those who appreciate history.

3.Phuoc Kieu Bronze Casting Village:

Away My Son Holyland for 30kms and on the way to MySon, taking you for half of hour for visiting.

Phuoc Kieu Bronze Casting Village is famous for bronze casting bells, gongs, gong-like music instruments, incense burners, lamp holders, ancient vases, and other bronze musical instruments which are normally used in festivals, ceremonies and daily life.

These musical instruments can give out unique sounds due to special techniques of combination of different types of metals in the process of casting which only the skilled artisans can do.

4.Marble Moutain:

On the way back Da Nang city, we stop at Marble Moutain for your visiting about 1.5 hours to explore the natural caves, old pagodas, landscapes inside with your comfort.


Duration:8-9 Hours.

  • Explore My Son Sanctuary for 3 hours.
  • Explore Tra Kieu and Phuoc Kieu Village for 2 hours.
  • Visit Marble Mountain for 1.5 hours.
  • Back hotel after spending 8-9 hours with our good English speaking driver.


  • Pick up and drop off in Hoi An or Da Nang city.
  • Cold mineral water for all guests with 2 bottles water/pax.
  • Road fees and parking fees.
  • All tax and fees in the trip.


  • Entrance tickets(6 usd for My Son and 3 usd for Marble Mountain).
  • Tips and gratuities (optional).
  • Travel Insurance.
Type Of Cars Featured Cars Price USD/VND
Sedan (Max 3 Pax) sedan-danang-private-car 60 USD(1.500.000. VND)
MINIVAN (Max 6 Pax) fortuner-danang-private-car 65 USD/1.600.000. VND.
VAN (Max 14 Pax) van-hue-transfer-service 80 USD/2.000.000. VND.



  • No any hidden cost.
  • Duration of the trip is 10 hours,we surcharge 10 usd/hour for driver if overtime.
  • Surcharge 10 usd if pick up and drop off at Son Tra Resort or Intercontinetal Resort in Da Nang.

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